Monday, April 13, 2009

Another Son

OK. So I am new at this and it does not help that I am not a good writer like Alice. Thanks to my wonderful childhood education. However, I am excited to write in hopes to keep in touch with those far away.

I found out today, that I am going to have another son. A very proud son, I might add! Every picture seemed to show his manhood as if to say, look what I've got. Adding to my surrounding of ALL men (husband, son and two dogs), he is packing some really good punches at me. I think I am in for it this time. I commented today, that I will not have any more children because I can't handle all the testosterone. Don't get me wrong, I am very excited to have another boy. Especially excited for my Son Ethan.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Back By Popular Demand

O.K. guys the blog is back, and hopefully I will have some family participation this time around.

So the big 40 has come and gone and I must say that it was really no big deal. So those of you that will shortly arrive there yourself, kick back and enjoy the ride. I am going to post a few photos of the birthday bash you all missed (all photos are courtesy of my old photo teacher and boss Mr. Trexler).

Other than that, school is good, the book world is good, and life is good.

That's it for now, but expect more soon.


Sunday, September 21, 2008

Short Story #1

Hey, just wanted to post my first short story up here. I'll be putting it in one of my artists books shortly, and was hoping to get some feedback. Enjoy!


They arrive in the dead of the night, the moonless sky, an inky black dotted with flecks of dust. The thin air, damp, crisp and heavy with the sweet scent of decay. Marta watches quietly, as her son, Arron, hastily sets up the small tent underneath the wavering light of a lone flashlight hanging precariously from a small, twisted branch. She could see no more than a few feet in any given direction. Leaves the color of flame are scattered beneath her feet, and she is surrounded by the faint silhouettes of trees.

The last stake is driven into the soft ground, and they began to unpack. Arron pulls a sleeping bag from the car, along with several heavy blankets, while she grabs the two pillows. They place them in the tent, and proceed to make ready for a night’s sleep. He makes a warm comfortable bed for his mother, and from the remaining blankets, fashioned a slightly less than pleasant bed for himself.

“Goodnight”, she said, as he climbed into his bed and fell fast asleep.

Marta, unable to sleep, fills with anticipation as she lies awake imagining what surprises await her, once the curtain of darkness lifts.


Arron had always been a good son, and when he overheard her on the phone one night, crying as she spoke about how she had grown tired of the old neighborhood and of all of its problems that ran back decades. The crime, the graffiti, the drugs all of it’s ugliness. How she had never understood how a community could just turn on itself, but it did and there was nothing that could be done. She wondered what it was like outside of the neighborhood, outside of the city, out of torturous heat and unwelcoming desert in which she lived. If she could just get away even if it were only for a day or two, and wondering how she could ever possibly save enough to go. It was then, at that very moment, Arron knew what needed to do.


She awakes just before dawn, but does not get up immediately. Instead, she waits… and listens. There is nothing but the thundering silence. As the sun begins to rise she can hear a faint chorus of birds growing louder, and the sharp crack of wood from a misplaced step of some larger creature, perhaps a deer or an elk. The more she hears the more restless she became, so ever so carefully and quietly, she climbs from underneath the layers of blanket and out of the sleeping bag, making sure not to wake her son. She slowly pulls the zipper that is closing the tent off to the frosty cold of the early morning air, and as she does she feels the soft glow of the morning sun rushing in and falling upon her face. It is not like she hadn’t felt the sun before, but this is different somehow. It feels new, and she feels new, and it is beautiful beyond words. With her last foot out of the tent, she zips it shut, then turns to the sky. It is clear and blue, not the muddy brown like back home, and the only clouds are the lazy ones that are nestled along the snow capped peaks that lie ahead. Their campsite is surrounded on three sides by green pines and tall, white aspens with leaves the color of brilliant yellow, and when the wind blows they spin feverishly, and flutter like a thousand prayer flags, each time a few taking flight. Off in the distance, she hears the distinct “caws” of ravens, occasionally interrupted by the bugling of elk, a sound unfamiliar to her, and the sound of the breeze as it dances its way across the tops of the trees.

In that moment she finds happiness. The tormenting desert, that tumor of a city, and the neighborhood that had fallen apart all seems a world away. It is all that she wants, a moment of peace and to know that the world was still good.

That night she sleeps motionless and hard.

c2008 Alice M. Vinson

And now to interrupt your regularly scheduled programming...

First off, my apologies for not having written a post sooner. Things have been absolutely insane for me with school and now tutoring, that I haven't had a moment to relax. So a very quick update. I am taking 5 classes, and tutoring (6.5 hours a week) at a local charter school, which is one of the requirements I have to fulfill to apply to the College of Education. Now some make think that really isn't bad, but considering that I have two studio courses (sculpture and printmaking), a writing course (in which I have to write a new short story every week, and have to read several stories as well), a literary analysis class (we have an analysis paper due every week, plus tons of reading), a costume design class (o.k. this one is a breeze :o) ), and finally tutoring, well, it's a lot for someone my age. So, anyway that is why I haven't posted lately.

Not really liking the art classes so much. I think I'm burning out on them. However, I love the other classes. My fiction writing class is super hard, but I seem to really enjoy this type of writing. Surprisingly, my literary analysis class is also great. We just finished working with House Made of Dawn. If you haven't read it, it is a really lovely book and I highly recommend it. Costume design, well it's a bunch of sewing, which is pretty cool.

Oh, I was recently invited to join TAG, which is a local artist group. They seem to be a great bunch of people so I joined. They exhibit work every once in a while, so hopefully that will keep me exhibiting while I am in school.

Well, guess that's it for now. Hope everyone is doing well, and for those of you who I haven't emailed back yet, I'll get to it as soon as I can.

Monday, August 18, 2008

Everything comes to an end

Well, looks like my summer break is coming to a close next Monday. All in all it was a fairly nice summer to be stuck in Tucson. We had a good, long monsoon season this year, and received far more than double the average rainfall. Things were really tough money wise, but we managed to squeak by. The bus, which sat in the driveway all summer, has finally been repaired thanks to a couple of books I was able to sell. I don't know about all of you, but the recession has been pretty tough on us. Actually, Tucson in general has been really suffering. I went to the thrift store (my usual one) to get a few clothes a few days ago, and I couldn't believe how packed it was. Usually only a handful of people will be scattered around the department sized store, but apparently that is not the case anymore. While I was standing in the 20 cart deep checkout line I chatted with a few fellow shoppers. Many of which had never been to a thrift store, but simply can't afford to buy clothes from a department store any longer. Many were elderly and living on fixed incomes, while others were my age (or younger) trying to offset the rise in gas and food prices. Hopefully, now that the college kids are back for school, we'll see a little boost here.

Not much going on otherwise. My lineup for school this semester is:

Intaglio Printmaking
Independent Study - Sculpture
Intro. to Fiction Writing
Literary Analysis
Intro. to Costume Design (this is part of the English Education Degree believe it or not)

Should make for an interesting semester :o).

Well, I guess that's it. Hope all of you are well, and take care!

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Whew, it's finally July. June was a bit crazy with school, not to mention it was a little sad with the passing of the great George Carlin, so let's hope July is a little relaxing and cheerful. I do have to note that right now Kermit and I are a bit sick (possibly the flu that is going around), so July is starting out on a bit of a sour note. On a more happy note, there is a new book out called 500 Handmade Books, and yours truly actually has a book in it. Yeehaw! I just received my free copy today, and it's pretty cool to see one of my books in a book. Other than that, I have just been working hard on making some new blank books and artist books for a little show I am participating in later this month. Well, guess that's it for now. Everyone take care!

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Do You Really Know Who You Are Voting For?

O.K., I'm not really much of a person for politics, but we ran across this the other day and felt it was worthy of posting. I'll let you view it and decide what you think. Oh, and yes, as I stumble upon worthy info. about the other candidates I will post that as well. You won't find me playing favorites, as I think I'm voting for my cat this year. :o)

Don't Be A Sheep. Know Who You Are Voting For!